which 6sn7 gives the most air??

guys I have the triangle arts amps that came with the NOS rca 6sn7 which sound good BUT would like a little more air to the top end- what is the best ones out there- i have read about the Popes but mostly with cary preamps- any thoughts would be appreciated- thks

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

If the tubes have too much "air" they can cause a light draftyness in the listening area that will provoke old people into donning sweaters.
I suggest NOS USA made Amperex tubes, but they're hard to find (one came with my Dennis Had SEP amp, and I liked it so much I bought another one for backup)...I've recently scored a little pile of NOS Sylvania "chrome domes" that seem neutral and clear as a bell, assuming bells are clear. Sylvania NOS tubes aren't particularly expensive so there's that.