Which 30K Speakers Would You Give Up For Tekton Double Impacts?

Since I keep reading and hearing that audiophiles have replaced their 30K speakers with the Tekton Double Impacts, I started this thread to see what speakers and why they were replaced.  I really want to know who did this and why.  Personally, I do not believe anyone would give up 30K speakers for 3K speakers, but what do I know anyways?

Showing 6 responses by mofojo

Sonic curtain ayyy?? It’s all a “sonic curtain” whether you buy a 40k pair of speakers or a $100 pair of speakers. 
Aesthetics are not great. There is nothing too offensive per say. You have seen the pics so you know what they look like. I think they are well built. I think paying extra for the high gloss paints would look better but what you see is what you get. I don’t mind the look, it’s unique. Can’t say I love it either. That said I find them to sound very very good. 
Focals suck “especially 936s are the most suckiest”, Tektons Raawwkk!! Yeeeeehaaaawwww
wondering if you can elaborate on the difference between the DI and DISE. Are there any types of music or anything you think the DIs do as well or better. Rock and metal are a descent portion of my listening. If that was compromised with a more “grown up” speaker that would be disappointing. 
I’ve had Ushers, Paradigm Sigs, Merlin’s, KEF Reference, Vapor Audio, Dynaudio, Klipsch, Golden Ear, and more I’m not thinking of. 
Yeah not top of the heap but not Best Buy Stuff either. 
The Sigs and KEFs were very detailed. The Ushers were great for vocals and not bad on everything else. The Dynaudios were smooth and had good tone with surprising amount of bass as long as you have a high current amp. The Vapors have a wonderful tweeter and do everything else pretty well. The Golden Ears were well balanced and had pretty slammin bass.
In my room my non SE DIs have the detail of the Sigs and KEFs, the tone of the Ushers, the immediacy of the Klipsch, the bass approaching the Golden Ears “with better articulation”and the smoothness of the Dynaudios. So for me nothing in the 3k range will come close. Get up to 30k well then I really dunno. I’m guessing they can compete in certain areas. For 3k I truly believe you are not gonna touch them. My opinion, no fights, 213 I’m ready for ya buddy.