I think your issue might be your source, most universal players are jacks of all trade but masters of none. It sounds like the system you heard had a dedicated redbook cd player, you might consider auditioning one in your system and see if it makes a difference. Also what you say about notes is interesting since Naim gear is noted for getting the timing of notes just right. Perhaps that difference between your system and the Naim system exaggerates this fact.
Wheres my week link????
I would like you guys or ladies here at the gon to give me your advise. I currently just listened to dynaudio contour 54 powered by all naim cd pre amp. I was impressed but yet I thought my system sounded good. I just recieved my Mc45 pre that is going into a mc 207 feeding my B&W 802n. All signals are being given by Marantz 9500 multi player. Ive been playing it all night wondering where why what I thought sounded so good does not anymore? I dont feel that I have the detail the other system had my system also sounds like it rolls 1 note into the other now. Opinios on what I should look into are greatlly appreciated. By the way I know im using a surround amp Im going to be debating wether to get rid of it and get a 2 channel or replace all my speakers and go surround again. I will base my decision on your advise and research all your oppinions from there. Thanks in advance!