Where to put one's best power cords??

, Where should one put their finest power cords? Mono amps, preamp, DAC or transport?  Where will the best cords have the most impact?  Thanks, Jeff
I don't have a best as they are all from the same stable and now I know the best is all round and musically the best I could afford.
On my Node 2, I use a Nordost Purple Flare with good results. Best results came when I grounded the Node 2, especially when I added the Synergistic Active Ground Block to my system.

I always had my best one on my integrated amp until recently, I moved my Swisscables Diamond power cord to my Jay's Audio CDT MKIII transport and it made a substantial improvement in SQ. I will have an equally good power cord from Silnote Audio going to my dac also. I have an Audio Envy mega3 on my integrated now and am quite pleased with the results. In truth everyone needs to try different things in their own systems to really know for sure what works best for them though.