Where to go from Rogue M-150 amps?

I'm curious the hear the responses and opinions on this question. What would a be a good upgrade from the M-150s. I'm not really interested in the factory upgrade to the M-180. I'm currently using my 150s with the Perseus preamp and Vandersteen speakers. Overall, I'm very pleased with them. Great bass authority and control. The mid are good, but could be a little more fleshed out and intimate IMO. The highs and detail is there; however, more air on the top end would be a plus. I'd like to stay tube, but will consider SS. Monoblocks are desired but not an absolute must. The amps must work well with Vandersteens as they are my speaker of choice followed by Magnepan; but I will probably stay with the Vandersteen line for a while.

I own m180s and every time I try solid state I might gain some overall controll and the ability to play louder but lose the 3d imaging and body that make my system sound more like real music to my ears, so I would bet if you don't want to upgrade your amps you will be looking at other tube amps
The last pair of amps I owned were Quicksilver Mini-Mite Monos. I sold them before the Vandersteens. They were good, with a very traditional tube sound. The mids were the strongest point. However the M-150 are much better.

I've been considering the following:
Audio Research

I'm not interesting in the 180 upgrade because shipping these things is a giant pain. I do not want to move them until they are being shipped to a new owner or going in as a trade at one of the local hifi shops.
I had a VT-100. Its very good but comes up short compared to a V-5. The ARC has a bit of an electronic sound to it in the upper frequencies. I didn't notice it with my ProAc's but you would definately hear it on the Vandersteen.

Also, someone else mentioned imaging and SS. I have now, and in the past, owned some very good ss and tube amps and nothing compares to the Ayre V-5 with imaging. The closest is my VAC 30/30. Its very good but as good as the Ayre.

Another poster mentioned Quicksilver. If you stay with tubes, you would have a tough time beating a pair of V-4's. I wouldn't hesitate to buy them for myself. The only problem is that they are big too.