If you are in for musicality than go straight for Spacedeck from Nottingham. I tried many turntables before I settled down with Spacedeck. The others which I had owned are the Sota Star Sapphire, Sota Sapphire, SME10, and the more expensive Nottingham Hyperdeck. I even called myself a downgrade for the decision I made for choosing a cheaper version. I went on to fix two arms on SD, one is Graham 2.2 and the other is Triplanar latest version. I found that arm/cartridge/phono combination, IMHO, is the most important. I have, for one of the combinations, the Graham/Koetsu Urushi/Audio Researh Ref Phono together with Audio Research Ref preamp MkII(it is never good to be standalone pre by itself). The other combination on the same turntable i have is the Triplanar/Miyabi 47lab/TomEvanThe Groove with Convergent Ultimate Preamp. Both combinations give me good results for my Ediolon speakers. I do own other cartridges; namely Koetsu Rosewood Sig.Platinum, Lyra HelikonSL, FujiAiry3, Benz glider and ace. Other phono stage I own include the Whest2.0, 47lab PhonoCube with dual power supply. I have yet to find out more new combination with all these different components due to my limited time for listening. My advice to you is to spend your money in looking for the "right" phonostage to go along with your cartridge.