Where to buy new B W801/802 cheap?

I live in Singapore and the prices of new B&W N801/802 are pretty expensive. Do anyone know whether it will be cheaper to order directly from Europe or UK? Anyone knows which dealer to contact?
B&W controls its dealer network very closely, so you may not be able to get a dealer somewhere else to deal with you mail order. They would be encroaching on some other dealer's area. This is why you see no dealers selling new B&W speakers on the web. Have you thought about used?? Kind of risky to ship though.
Buy a pair of Dunlavy 4 or 4A instead. It will blow the over-priced, not very good sounding B&W N801/802 out of the sky very easily....
B&W does a great job of controlling its pricing around the world. In Taiwan, where I live, the list price is around US$11,000 equivalent for the N801 and US$8,000 for the N802, which are the same as in the U.S. In England, I have seen the prices on some English websites in my past searches to be the same.... so there really isn't any opportunity to save money by shipping (in fact, it will cost you more). Many Western high end audio brands are controlled by exclusive distributors in Asia, where you get both ridiculously high prices (often 50% to 100% higher than in the US) and poor service. Fortunately, demand for B&W speakers must be quite strong to allow B&W to control pricing all over the world....and a good thing!! (although still expensive as I have a pair of N801, one HTM-1, a pair of N805, and a pair of Matrix 801 S3.
Patrick, I'm not sure what you mean by cheap, the B&W 801's sell for $11,000 U.S. and the 802's sell for $8000 U.S. here in Montreal Canada. These are heavy large speakers, I'd imagine shipping costs would add up quickly. If this price is appealing, drop me an email and I'll point you to a dealer here that will ship to you. ATB, Jeff