Where should I concentrate my upgrade dollars next

I'll dive right in & pick your brains. In your opinion, what should I concentrate on upgrading next in this small setup? It's in a cottage with a view and I'd like to keep the view central and gear clean.
I'm running:

SlimDevices Squeezebox 3
Rotel RCD-1070 cd player
Channel Islands Audio VDA2 with upgraded outboard VAC1 Power Supply
Jolida 102B tube amp
Omega 3 Grande full range speakers.

From SB3 to DAC = Zu OxyFuel Digital Coax
From Rotel to DAC = Zu OxyFuel
From DAC to Amp = Zu Wylde RCA
From Amp to Speakers = Straight Wire Waveguide 3

I have a Monster HTS 5100 other power conditioner tuned for digital and analog depending on the plug.
Plus a B.I.C. turntable and Parasound phonostage pre, but I'm not interested in upgrading this portion.

+90% of my listening is via the SB3 / CI DAC streamed in ALAC from a PowerMac server. The musical tastes run all across the board: Vivaldi with a sunset or snowstorm and Haydn while cooking. Stills with a beer. Ska on ski weekends... etc.

The soundstage is definitely present and the setup impressed party guests this past weekend. Simple clean looks and it's okay enough to pick out individual instruments and vocals and pinpoint there location on stage, but it's just not doing it for me anymore.

It's not a high power system, but that's not what I'm going for anyway.

Any input is appreciated.

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