Where's Digital playback at today ?

Pardon my ignorance on this subject as I have not be around any digital playback for over 10 years.,..Some back ground, over a decade ago out of pure curiosity I purchased a Sony SCD777es .
Over the coarse of the three plus years that I owed this player I had it modified with all the stuff that was popular back then for this particular model.
Comparing other more expensive and popular digital players of the day back then ultimately left me cold.
So hence the title of my query, what's out there for under $8000.00 that a vinyl head could possibly warm up too?
Thank you

Showing 3 responses by audioengr

If you want an analog sound from digital, I can get you there, but it may be a bit more than $8K. The best route is computer audio, but I can also get you close using any CD transport, even the one you already use.

I typically get a best of show for my systems at every show I'm at, and this year was no exception at Newport and RMAF:

Newport 2013
RMAF 2013

Bill Hobba knows my equipment, at least the Off-Ramp 4.

Several customers of mine have abandoned or sold their vinyl setups after getting my digital gear:


I can even help you make your vinyl setup sound a lot better at the same time. Just email me - see the website.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

Things have improved significantly in the last 10 years. Mostly the jitter is now lower than ever. Also DACs are using better digital filters and some use none, which is best. Other advancements are in ground-loop isolation and preamps.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Bill - time to add the Dynamo power supply to your OR4. Also, the Plasmatron from vhaudio.com makes a huge difference. These together deliver a very analog sound, even with 44.1 files.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio