Where is the significant point of diminishing returns on hi-end turntable?

For those that don’t know me I am newish to this game. Yes, I believe this chase for perfection in sound reproduction is a game. There are endless variables affecting the sound of every system and 100x that in opinions on each of these variables. I love cool $hit as much as the next guy but I am looking for an analog rig and I keep getting drawn into the seemingly endless "what about this option that costs tons more?". I started with a $6 to $10K budget and now I am considering a $25K setup (Table, cart and phono stage) after talking to a local retailer. I will be blunt, I want to be that guy in the Memorex ad from the 80’s that is getting blown away by his system (my impression is he is overwhelmed by the amazing sound coming from that speaker not the volume). Now that I have acquired some pretty descent stuff I am spending 15 plus hours each week listening and really enjoying this hobby. I don’t want to have any regrets and just be marginally satisfied with my setup but where do I draw the line? Back to my initial question; what is a reasonable amount to spend on an analog setup to achieve the best bang for the buck? I may be somewhat unique in that I don’t want to constantly be upgrading my equipment, I just want to buy great products the first time that are very satisfying and spend hours listening to great music. I don’t want to be the guy always chasing the next great thing.

Showing 7 responses by 2channel8

@mmporsche You seem to know what you are doing and how to do it.
To answer your original question, although I don't know why anyone else's opinion should even matter, I couldn't hold my head up if I couldn't complete the task with $15,000. Much less given time and the option of used equipment.
I have to laugh when someone writes that a media is dead. I don't give a rat's a$$. I have over 100 LPs, 80 CDs, a few SACDs, DVD-As and HDCDs. I am not going to put them in the trash no matter what. I got a better TT and cartridge last year. I enjoy my LPs more now. I got a better CD player this year. I enjoy my CDs more now. 
@mmporsche  Let me make a proposition. I will gladly spend day after day auditioning TT/TA/pre/cartridge combinations until I find THE one that resonates with heaven. I will bring it to you and if you allow me, set it up. (I have such fun doing that). If you are not satisfied, I will go out on the road again. All I ask is that you cover expenses and a small token, perhaps an Ayre CX-5eMP. Oh, OK. I'll settle for the Oppo.

I live between Short Hills and Far Hills, NJ. I have about 6 high-end dealers on my turf and can easily expand your search to NYC.

BTW, I think I can score a Nakamichi Dragon CT. Very rare and very unique concept. More like a Lambo than a Porsche. So act fast!
How about a relative way of looking at it such as ’equal to the amount spent on speakers’ or ’1.5 x amp + pre’?

I just did a quick calculation: I spent 66% more on my analog front end than on my speakers. In fact the  analog front end was almost equal to 

A methodology such as this very loosely correlated what the system will be able to deliver at the ear.
"Apparently the analog forum has become a status forum as opposed to what is stated. Notice the statements made by expensive sports cars. "

The following is not based on any real persons living or dead and any resemblance to any serious remark is totally coincidental.

You want status? My wife is a four star chef and my mistress has B52s and can crack walnuts with her A__.  ;^)

Enjoy the music and keep your sense of humor.

I assume you are referring to Oracle's newer acrylic platter mat. I have the original Groove Isolator on my Alex. Would the new mat make a significant improvement? (clearly discernable with mid-fi electronics and hi-fi speakers) Most of the owners of vintage Oracles I've heard from have not upgraded. What makes the Oracle acrylic different than the 2mm, 250g ones that cost $30? I'm not challenging your advice; I'm trying to make an informed decision, as $300 is not an insignificant sum for me to spend on something like a mat. My DL-301 mkII cost only a few dollars more.
The hard acrylic mat
          The hard acrylic mat represents a significant improvement with respect to the original Oracle Groove Isolator that was used by Oracle until the end of the 80’s. The acrylic mat is machined with a slightly concave surface which helps flattening of the record more efficiently when using the Oracle record clamp. The acrylic has very similar vibrational energy transmission properties than the vinyl used in records which minimizes its contribution to sound coloration. Listening tests have shown better results in transient response, stereo image and provided more control and detail in the low frequencies.


Scroll almost to the bottom. It's reassuring that you were probably referring to the hard rubber one I have.

If anyone out there has tried the new acrylic Oracle mat; please let us know how much of an impact it made!