Where is the best place for amp s

Jhljazz's thread on ringing heatsinks rang a bell with me too. I've noticed that "ringing" phenomenom with heatsinks too, but never tried to correct for it. Conventional thinking suggests that the best place to put a stereo or dual mono amp is on center between speakers so speaker cables can be minimum length-- and dual monos right next to speakers. Well, it seems to me that these locations also would have the highest sonic vibration potential, and this may cause a degradation of music quality due to amp vibrations??? I have to decide soon whether to place my McCormack DNA-2DX amp between the speakers (to get about 6 ft. cable runs) or leave it in my stereo stand, where it's sort of protected from sonic energy, and live with my present 14 ft. cables. I'd like to actually try it, but 5 meter ICs are expensive (Syn. Res. Phase II). Any thoughts or experiences with this? Thanks. Craig.

Showing 1 response by metaphysics

RhlJazz, I agree with your assumptions but disagree with your conclusions. Since the Amp is putting out much higher signals than the Preamp, it is better to have SHORTER speaker cables and LONGER ICs. Higher signals have more potential to interact with the conductor and cause undesirable effects. The lower signals through the ICs are less likely to be impeded while traveling through the cable. Of course, this is assuming proper cable dressing.