Where is Cary Audio?

I know Cary Audio is not the flavor of the month these days, but where are the current systems w/ Cary Audio gear?

Their products have stood still since DJH retired, but heck their amps and cdp should show up in vintage systems like other high-end brands. I’ve always had a fondness for their amps and cdp’s having owned 3 of their entry products in the past. I periodically look on ebay to see what might show up in my budget, but it seems like they’ve vanished off the face of the earth.

I'm just wondering.

Showing 1 response by luxmancl38

If you look at their product lineup the best gear is still the one's designed by Dennis Had. Also if you search on line the affordable AES/six pack tube amps. The biggest disaster Cary ran into was getting into Home Theater. The processor was a disaster. Countless HDMI problems. It really hurt their reputation. At least they got smart and exited HT.