Where does "MidFi" differ from "HiFi" or "LOFI"?

Given the vast range of product and costs thereof in this industry, I'm curious where the "break points" are between levels of fidelity?   Equipment can range from $100's to $100,000s+, so where is "MIDFI" vs. "HIFI"?

The ear hears from a range of 20-20,000HZ, but mid-range is certainly not at the 10,000HZ level. 

just curious what you all think.


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

Obviously there is no clear answer since synergy, exact components and personal preferences mater greatly.

Let me take a stab at the mid-fi vs high-fi transition. I’m thinking $5K / component. So, assuming just digital… high-fi starts around the $5K… so $5K for streamer, $5K for DAC, $5K for Preamp, and $5K for the amp, and say $10K speakers. There are a lot of caveats, they must be well chosen to find the best available, and synergistic with your other components, and are in line with your personal preferences.

The next category would be audiophile components. A real jump in performance… for these I would say is around $10K per component… so, this time let’s do analog, Turntable, Phonostage, preamp, amp and $20K speakers.

I doubt agreement is likely. But just as a general rule of thumb from my personal experience. I have been at this for about fifty years and have slowly worked up the hierarchy. My current system is around $20K / component and $32K speakers.


On headphone systems.

Headphone systems are much less expensive to put together than main speaker systems. In general I fine about 1/10th the cost… obviously with lots of variation. I am not sure where I would make breaks on headphone systems. I should… I spent several years trying to get “magic” into my headphone system. I think, for me it was about $3K / component for audiophile… which to me kicks the bar up to more than great sound… but something that transcends just well executed… sound that is compelling and difficult not to pay attention to.


Actually, I ended up with my current system by starting by upgrading my headphone system to a really high level… so about $5K per component. It was so incredibly good that it put my main system to shame. while it had the limitations of headphones… it is simply stunning.

The performance of my headphone system got me working on my main system. I basically upgraded everything and went for all tubes. Incredibly well worth it… fortunately I was able to afford it.