Where do you put your TV/equipment?

Most armoire & entertainment centers are big, tall, flat-sided things that sit between the main speakers--not good for your image! I want an open-architecture stand, but I have a soon to crawl kiddo who would use it as a jungle gym! So what do I put my TV and gear on/in to keep it out of reach and not destroy the image I work so hard to get?!

Showing 1 response by sedond

my tv is not in my stereo/living room, so no problem *there*! ;~) the stereo equipment is on a side-wall, not between the speakers (except for the amps), so there's no problem there, either. i run one long pair of interconnects from the preamp to the active x-over & amps, which sit on a wery low 2-shelf double-wide stand. this is against the wall between the speakers, & w/the speakers ~4' out, there's no imaging problems. the only problem i've had w/my kids (who are now 5-n-8), were once when my daughter got hold of the volume knob & cranked it - OUCH!!! also, my monitors have been knocked off their stands more than once, w/some resultant chips to the back edge of one of my rhombus-shaped meret re's. fortunately they're on carpet, & built like tanks. floor-standing speakers would be better - i wouldn't have to worry as much about kids (or *anyone*, for that matter) tripping on the wires behind the speakers. w/monitors, this can yank 'em off the stands. my equipment has *always* been on open shelving; my kids are generally wery respectful of the equipment.