Where do you put your money?

I got thinking it would be nice to see how audiogoners prioritize their money when it comes to their system. Not in dollars, but in percentages.

Mine goes something like this:
- Room construction including acoustic treatments: 43%
- Music: 33%
- Audio equipment: 24%

I realize this is a site that exists to sell equipment so the emphasis is on that but I am curious to know you better.

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

Kept in my wallet as much as is practical...audioaddiction is relegated to 'amusement expenditures'.  That is a sub-set of 'amusements' which has more categories than needs describing here...;)

..and generally is a 'low priority' item in the scope and span of spouses' budgeted items, just above 'lint removal, navel' but below 'wild animal coitus'....

Your list likely varies....a little....;)