Where do I start-amp or speakers ?

While in the midst of downsizing I sold all my gear: Krell monos, Thiel CS6’s, Thiel 2.4’s, EAD Powermaster 2000, Thiel MCS1, etc.
I am now left with a headphone system based on the entry level Schitt headphone amp, Freya preamp,& a very nice Vinyl NIrvana Thorens 125 turntable,
So how’s that working out for you, you ask? Not so well. I need speakers & amp!
 I went from 2900 sq ft. To 1600 sq ft; a 25x24 room to an 18 x 16 room (high 20-24 ft cathedral ceiling, though, at least.)
I’m now on the way to build a new system , one component at a time; Ceiling is 4K per unit. Every time I see a nice amp, then I see a fine pair of speakers. Back and forth. Do I start with an amp or with speakers? Input, input........

Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

+1 Soix, and atmasphere
Thiel and Vandersteen were/are proponents of time and phase correctness. I think they would be worth a look should you wish to look for a substitute-especially now that Thiel is no more.
After years of hearing the 'tube vs SS' debate, I bought Ralph's (atmasphere) amp and preamp and have to say they really make music come alive. One of the better moves I have made...