Where can I get a Musical Fidelity x10v3 serviced

I just bought an x10v3 from a member, and after using it for a month or so, I have noticed a significant amount of static/fuzz in the right channel at higher levels. I tried the "pass thru" outputs, and they are clean as a whistle. I also tested all other sources to my preamp and they also are clean. Some days are better than others, but it is always there. Help! I appreciate any help/suggestions.

Bruce Miller
I also have two of these little bundles of joy and like yours mine also had fuzz. I found out the problem, It is that the humidity in the room has to be at a spicific place or at a certain level. I exchanged mine for one in the store that was not making noise. When I got it home and fired it up,STATIC and FUZZ!! I then turned up my humidifier and within 12 hrs the static sound was all but gone, never to return to this day. I hope this helps you because MF products are very well made. Let me know if this helps you.
Thanks, finally got a call back. Turns out thier tech was in the hospital with knee surgery.
Calling is always the best way to contact any company. Try them at 704-391-9337 or 704-391-0673.
Thanks...I have tried signalpath twice before I posted,...no response, thought I might try another. Guess I'll keep trying them. No other choice I guess.

Anyone else had this noise issue with the X10v3?

Signal Path
215 Lawton Road
Charlotte, NC 28216

They are the authorized MF repair center in the US.

Regards, Rich