When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.

Over fifty years of buying music, I've bought scores of albums because of one track...only to find out that one track was the only one on the entire album that was listenable to me.

'Losalamitoslovesong'.... by Gene Harris on the 'Astralsignal' album is but one example.









Showing 1 response by ronboco

I too have gravitated more to female vocals in music. The female voice is one of the most beautiful sounds there is. But it is mainly because my system (not on my page yet ) is able to bring out the best in them. I’m not really a jazz fan but Diana Krall’s voice is amazing. All the different generes have amazing female singers. Whitney Houston ,Samantha Fox, Ellie Goulding, Shannon, Adele, etc. etc. all sound great. And the beauty of streaming is I usually only have two or three of their songs in my playlist so I can enjoy them all regularly. I like other generes as well. So much music so little time it seems. Happy listening!
