When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.

Over fifty years of buying music, I've bought scores of albums because of one track...only to find out that one track was the only one on the entire album that was listenable to me.

'Losalamitoslovesong'.... by Gene Harris on the 'Astralsignal' album is but one example.









Showing 2 responses by larsman

@bdp24 - the Flamin' Groovies! I first met Roy Loney back in '73 when I was working at a record shop and he worked for ABC Records as an inventory-taker. I did some promo photos of the Phantom Movers as well. What a great guy; so sad when he died a few years back.... Danny Mihm used to hang out with a lot of the same people I did back in the 70's, too...