When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.

Over fifty years of buying music, I've bought scores of albums because of one track...only to find out that one track was the only one on the entire album that was listenable to me.

'Losalamitoslovesong'.... by Gene Harris on the 'Astralsignal' album is but one example.









Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

OP… “The only tune I can listen to on that album is 'Snoopy's Search/Red Baron'.”

We completely agree!

After fifty years of buying albums, really prefer the format. I have bought a few stinkers. But a good album is so much more than just a random collection of tunes.

I listen by far mostly to Qobuz. I will preview the first tune, if not hooked I’ll try the second… in no connection, I’ll move on. To me is like a symphony, a multiparty composition. A single tune… not worth it for me… I need substance.