When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.

Over fifty years of buying music, I've bought scores of albums because of one track...only to find out that one track was the only one on the entire album that was listenable to me.

'Losalamitoslovesong'.... by Gene Harris on the 'Astralsignal' album is but one example.









Showing 2 responses by artemus_5

Even if you are a true music lover (many aren't) your musical taste buds must be trained just as your taste buds for food must be trained. The first time I heard Led Zeppelin in '69, I didn't care for it. But it touched something to the point that I said, "Lets play it again." I had the same reaction to every other Zep album, even though I am a big Zep fan and John Bonham protege.

That said, I still have not developed the taste for jazz and female vocals. I've tried and it just doesn't move me. So I don't buy anymore even though  Elusive Disk sends me emails with their latest audiophile music (jazz & female vocals) and tell me how fabulous it is. It isn't to me. Quite honestly it isn't to 98-99% of the US. But many audiophiles buy this stuff because they think the SHOULD like it. been there, ain't going back.I am a classic rock, blues  fan who bought my first album in 1963 (beach Boys Live) I had to train my musical taste buds at first,  to like most all the music on an album. I still like most all the music on an album I buy.

The question is are you listening to the right music? The right music is music you like, not necessarily what someone else thinks is posh or "sophisticated".


I have no problem with what other's like to listen. For me, it just doesn't move me. I've never really cared for female vocals but I tried to see what it might do over a good system. Again, it just doesn't move me.I like some jazz IE David Sanborn, Lee Ritenaur, & Joe Sample. But i suspect this is as much Pop as jazz. Even Dire Straits doesn't move me . But its mostly due to the melancholy nature of the vocals IMO. This doesn't mean that I do not acknowledge their ability. But it doesn't connect with me. And I'm sure there is music which I love which others don't get either

However there does seem to be an inordinate love for female vocals & jazz among audiophiles. Because of my curiosity, this sparks my question of whether the OP (and others) are listening to it because it is the "in thing" to do. Or do they truly like it. If the later, then great. You seem to fit that group.