When will the "Madness" stop

I have spend 10 years and an amount of money I don't even want to think about on the quest for the 'perfect' system.

I have gone through at least 20 of each component category (CD, Vinyl, Pre, Amp, Speakers, Wires, Gadgets,....). When I look through a Stereophile magazine... it is amazing.... I have had almost one piece from each advertiser.

This thread (my first)... is to ask all you audio experts... those of you who have settled down on a system... stopped the Madness.... what system did you finally find 'close enough' to being perfect.

Here is my answer:

Metronome T2i CD Player, Conrad Johnson 17LS pre, VTL Signature 185 Mono Blocks, EgglestonWorks Rosa speakers, and
Cardas Golden Reference cables.

With many good answers here... maybe this can save some of the others some TIME and MONEY. Especially the time.. since it is so precious !

Thanks ... and enjoy the music !


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