When the Power Tubes Run Out

A lot of you have nice amps that essentially require quality NOS tubes. Do you have any plans about what you are going to do when you get cut out of the diminishing tube-trade loop? Or are you like Dubya?...By the time tubes run out someone will have thought of a substitute. I don't see a sub of equal quality on the horizon. No one is insane enough to spend the money in order make them like they used to for such a small market. And even if they did, the price of those tubes would make the NOSes look like a dime a dozen. But maybe i'm wrong.

So SS for you, then? *Cringe*, i'm sure:) Any idea if or how the industry (e.g. high-end tube amp manufacturers and/or SS companies) will respond when the supply becomes critically low?

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

I have enough spare tubes, both new and NOS, to last for a decade or longer. I assume many other tube heads also have a stash much larger than mine, but without intentionally hoarding I think curiosity just gets more tubes in the drawer.
Yeah…people forget that…I've used tube guitar amps since the mid 60s and they do dwarf the hifi tube usage by many, many multiples. I also note that people who are concerned with the gentle care of tube amps should think about what many tube guitar and bass amps go through during professional use. I should issue a blanket apology to all the tube amps I've abused over the years.