When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?


Showing 1 response by gpgr4blu

I don't listen much to rap. Almost none at home. To me, it requires the least degree of musical talent of any form of music that I know of.  You don't have to have enough talent to sing a song. You don't have to play an instrument. Those talents are the hallmarks of music to me.
But there is a talent that involves a musical aptitude in "rapping" with, around and between beats and in choosing the right samples. Also, the thickness, tone and timbre of the rapper's voice can serve the song.  Most rap songs that I can tolerate have a hooky sung chorus--so, in that regard, those songs incorporate aspects of music with which I can identify. On the other hand, I like working out to some rap due to the beats I use to push my workout forward. As much as I don't consider most rap as good music--I'd rather listen to most rap over, say, Bon Jovi or others of the bathetic rock genre.