I started to buy Lp in the late 60-70's bought a good system in the 70's...LP12 Supex900, LS3/5A, Meridian. and had always listened to CD, In 1987 I bought my first CD player(denon) because I was receiving CD from friends musiciens and wanted to listen at what they were doing. Never like what I was hearing. Actually I always thought the DEnon sounded awfull...Bought a Cambridge in the late 90's that sounded a bit better and I had bought a few CD's (Bartoli, Alanis Morisset, etc.....) but never really got involve seriously. I upgraded to a Naim system with CD player....but taht did not got me more into CD even if it sounds really good...The music I like I have on records bought since my teens and i'm still listening to those 90% of the time...Never bothered much with the digital stuff.