Whats the best used tuner for under 1000

I would like to buy a top quality used tuner for $1000 or less. Should I be looking for analog or digital and what models for best price? I live near a big city so reception is strong and I don't need to worry about that. Adjacent channel rejection would be a consideration but not any priority. Any specific recommendations? Thanks for your interest.

Showing 2 responses by newbee

Ryan, As you have spent much time auditioning tuners can you explain to me why so much emphasis is placed on the spec's and not the actual quality of the sound they emit? Most other area's of audio resolve, ultimately, on how a product sounds. I have limited experience in tuners having settled for a Perreaux TU3 (which will win no spec's race and has poor sensitivity) after listening to a lot of tuners that just "sounded" like crap, so to speak, even though highly spec'd out (including many discussed in this thread).
Ryan, Thanks for you response. You may have hit upon the reason I originally purchased the Perreaux. At the time I purchased it I had owned or auditioned several high spec'd units and I loved the ability to draw in distant stations etc, but when I just listened to the "sound" of the amplified signal I found it cold and dry, regardless of station. I assumed that the manufactureres had just overlooked the quality of the analog output devises. But as I look back, perhaps I had not set the bar high enuf, by focusing on Magnum, Carver, Onkyo, etc. I will revisit you earlier post to see if I can find something that sounds like what I might be able to use. Thanks again for your time....