Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?




Showing 50 responses by curiousjim


And you would never disagree with your wife.😁

Blue Rodeo-Lost Together(CD) Might be my wife's favorite 90's band? They released 5 quality recordings during that decade, IMO hard to disagree. This overlooked Canadian band kicks off Thursday night vinyl.


liked All but one song and I bet you can guess which one.😁 

I’ve been messing around with my speaker placement today and Impermanence helped a bunch.  Great recording!


If you’ve heard any of his current stuff, His five pack a day habit has destroyed his voice making him very hard to listen to.🙁


Listening to Perma Grin now and you’re right,  I do like it.  Although they are all over the place! Country/Hard Rock/ Punk all in the same some. There’s even ode’s to Zappa and the Ramones  In the first four songs.


I’ve never heard of Hammock, so I started listening. After the second song, I sent links to three of my friends.

Thanks for sharing.

Today’s gonna be a Harry ‘Sweets’ Edison day.  Or until I squirrel to someone else 😁


I’ve heard it and I think you will enjoy.  Let me know when you’ve listened and tell me what you think.


The Moody Biues,   In Search Of A Lost Chord. A good sounding record and a good sounding CD.


Oh man , I think you may have understated just how putrid Redux is!

Roger Waters, “DSOTM Redux.”   Let me save you time and money, biggest pile of dog crap!  What Roger did to this masterpiece is pure blasphemy. 

I really couldn’t and didn’t make it through the fourth cut.  I can’t even call it a song!


Lovein’ it!

Now Playing:

La Theorie Des Cordes: 4U-9525

(New Experimental Jazz/Rock- Nice!)

Hey @ozzy ,

So I haven’t listened to it yet. The previews kinda looked silly.  Is the album worth a listen or just the track?

Never mind @ozzy, I listened to Hackney. And while you nailed how bad the SQ was, I was blown away by how good that old man could sing!  Normally they half talk a song because they can’t reach the notes anymore, but Mick nailed it!

To bad the recording was over modulated.


I’m listening to Eric Woolfson,   The Alan Parsons Project That Never Was.


Another good one,

Jerry Garcia, David Grisman,   Seen All Around The World.


My wife is a big Runaways fan and probably has all their CD’s, but to be sure, I’ll pop it on the box today to be sure.  I’m guarantee she will come out of her office with a smile on her face.


Sorry I took so long to get back to you. I put on the Live in Japan album and my wife emerged from her office, started smiling and singing along.

Thanks for the suggestion.😁


I'm sort of embarrassed to admit, but I just listened and enjoyed "The Best Of Tom Jones"

It’s not unusual…😁

The re re re mix re re remastered Beatles 1962-1966 and The Beatles 1967-1970 are out.


Tell me the differences you hear. I’ve only listened to the first one so far, but I did hear something that wasn’t on any of the other versions and I probably missed many more.


I could only find the one song on Amazon HD, but I’m listening to From A Fading World and it great! I’ll get through the rest as soon as I can.

Thanks @designsfx ,

 I sure will check it out and the many others I have missed in the last couple of weeks.

Thanks for thinking of me 😁


Can’t listen until tonight or tomorrow.  I’ll be sure to let you know.😀

Thanks for thinking of me.