Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Showing 50 responses by mammothguy54

Jethro Tull  -  Thick As A Brick   This is the Steven Wilson remix, just came off of backorder.  Rather disappointing, sounds like a standard CD.  My other Steven Wilson remixes (Benefit, This Was, Stand Up) all sound vastly superior.

The Allman Brother Band  -  At Fillmore East   Great concert, not such a great live recording.  

Paul Simon  -  One Trick Pony   An excellent album, but really, had to play something to make sure that it isn't my hi-fi sounding poorly on those other albums.  It's not, this one sounds fabulous!

George Benson  -  In Flight   An original pp from just when it was released.  Sounds fantastic!

I wonder why this thread has been removed from the Daily Recap that goes out each day.  Today is the second consecutive day without it.  Anybody have an idea why?

The Babys  -  Broken Heart   I forgot how good this album is.  SQ is fair, music is great!

The Beach Boys  -  Surfer Girl  AP/QRP Inspired by bslon to bring this out to play.  Great album, outstanding job by Analog Productions.

Cowboy Junkies  -  The Trinity Session   AP/QRP This is an awesome sonic experience.  A few songs are OK, the rest is wonderful.  Sonics are fabulous!

Michael Hedges  -  Aerial Boundaries   Got this a few weeks ago, have had to play it several times.  Fabulous!!!

Joni Mitchell  -  Don Juan's Reckless Daughter    Japanese issue, excellent piece of vinyl.  Really a great album, musically. 

Roxy Music  -  Stranded   Just got this, one of the new reissues of the Roxy Music set of albums, done at Abbey Road Studios.  They go out on a limb and state "Remastered and CUT Half-Speed from the original 1/4" tapes" It's the word "cut" that is the difference from "sourced" regarding the actual chain in making the record.  If so, bravo!  What I can say is that it sounds really good.  And it's a very fair price, too.

DiMeola McLaughlin DeLucia  -  Saturday Night In San Francisco.  Impex really knows how to produce a high-quality record.  Mastering/plating/stamping and grade of vinyl are all top-flight.  The music on this album is superb and should be in everyone' collection, if you like acoustic guitar ensembles.  The sonics are absolutely jaw-dropping.  For this album, turn it up, and bring the stage into your home.

Why are you here? 

Enjoy the DAC, truly and honestly.  But no reason to toss your analog front-end and vinyl collection.  And no reason to stick your thumb up at us, either🤷‍♂️.

Hey Steve, I also have Broken Heart.  I'll have to pull that one out and play it soon, too.  It's a great album, as I recall.

The Beatles  -  Revolver   An issue from around 1970.  Cleaned it up and considering how many times it was on a console stereo it isn't too bad. Superb music.

The Babys  -  Head First   An often overlooked late 70s band.

The Cars  -  The Cars   Nautilus reissue; a great debut album, for sure.

Gino Vannelli  -  Powerful People   MoFi Original Master Recording.  Awesome album, so very entertaining.  And this is from when MoFi only did it with master tapes😋

A couple of weeks ago we were discussing the reissue of Talking Heads, 'Speaking In Tongues'.  It's back in stock now at Acoustic Sounds, as of today.  The SQ is excellent on this recording and the vinyl quality and pressing is also excellent and quiet.  At least, my copy is.  And I tend to believe that is the case, in general.  This is a really good one and a good value price, too at $24.98.

Hope this helps.

George Benson  -  Breezin   My copy is good, but not superb.  A little flat and lacking in bottom end.  Probably a late pressing in the particular stamper.  Still sounds good and is superb music.  I have had this since it first released.

Sonny Rollins  -  Saxophone Colossus   Excellent mono recording, excellent music.

Sonny Rollins  -  Way Out West   Great music and silent vinyl (as is Saxophone Colossus).  I don't know it this was ever available in mono, my copy is stereo.  It's a very hard left/right mix.  Killer sonics, though.  Great album!

Steve, let me know about the new Barrabas albums you're getting.  I really like the one you recommended last year.  I listen to it regularly, it's excellent.  If the others are as good, please let me know and I'll get one or more.

Yeah, the zeppelin never made it to So. Cal., either.  But we all had hemostats.  In fact, still do.😁

After yardwork today, relaxed with a few good ones.

David Sanborn  -  Straight To The Heart   This is a live album and the recording is fairly good, for a live album.  And man, that guy can play a sax.

Al Di Meola  -  Splendido Hotel   I played this a couple of weeks ago.  Had to play it again, it's really very good.

Return To Forever  -  Romantic Warrior   Chic & Al & Stanley & Lenny, what a combo of outstanding musicians.

To answer Jims question, NO!  The new speakers have not yet arrived.  The owner of Daedalus Audio (the brand of my speakers on order) is also the Director of the Pacific Audio Fest.  He called me two days ago, very apologetic, and admitted that taking on the position of Director was far more challenging than he had anticipated.  As a result, his speaker company being a very small business, it was "all hands on deck" and the speaker builds have really slowed down.  The good news, however, is that the final finish coat is applied and will be curing over the next week.  He told me that within a couple of days following the show they will be shipped out.  With shipping time that should get them to my house somewhere around August 10 - 12.  It is what it is, and I can't change that.  I guess it's easier to accept that the additional 2 months (beyond the original forecasted completion date) is small in comparison to the many years I will enjoy them.  

For now, I am fortunate to have some very respectable speakers in the system so I will continue to enjoy them, and all is good.  The Music Room (TMR) will be picking up my speakers and posting them on their website as a consignment sale once I give them the green light to do so.  That should make my life easier for the sale of large, crated speakers and even after their fees will yield about what I would have gotten by selling them on my own (TMR gets top dollar for goods on their site).

Now it's time for some yardwork and then turn on the hi-fi.

Well, the MoFi version is now going from between $110 to $165 and mostly from European markets.  I think my copy will server me well.😊

Regarding the Procol Harum album (I am a big fan of Procol Harum and was fortunate to see them in 1971, in a very close seating position), I recently purchased it as a reissue from MOV.  The SQ was so poor that I contacted MOV and inquired about it.  The person who responded told me that it is from a digital file, is a really bad source material, and that another copy would not provide any better SQ.  I contacted Acoustic Sounds and requested an RA for full refund, not an exchange.  They were kind enough to oblige.  I would like to seek out a Classic Records copy, now that I just learned it exists.  By the way, my original copy of Broken Barricades sounds fantastic and is highly recommended, if you can find a NM/M- copy.  My copy of A Salty Dog sounds great but has too much vinyl noise.  I wish that I could find a copy of the MoFi reissue at a reasonable price.  My copy of Home also sounds great but also has too much vinyl noise.  It was never reissued so I will live with what I have.


Welcome to this thread.  It is fabulous and you will have fun.  I look forward to your contributions, too.

An early '80s album.  You can really tell it was the early dawn of digital recording. But I do enjoy the music.

INXS  -  Shabooh Shoobah

A couple of premium MoFi albums I got over the past couple of months.  Great music and outstanding mastering/pressing.

ELO  -  Eldorado

Alan Parsons Project  -  Eye In The Sky


@sbank    Hey guys, next year, around August, I will be flying to Tallahassee.  My son is finishing his PhD at FSU by then and I will join him to travel back to Southern California.  We will be driving in his car, taking the I-10 all the way.  Austin is not far from the I-10 as we pass through Texas.  I know it's a year away, but if it works out, we can stop by and say hello.  And of course, listen to a few tunes before we are on our way again.  I'll keep in touch.

Some days our systems seem to sound better than others.  Today is one of those really good days.  Yeah!

Leon Russell  -  S/T   Audio Fidelity reissue, remastered by Kevin Gray at Cohearent Audio, limited edition #243

Jethro Tull  -  This Was   the steven Wilson remaster on Parlophone Records.  This album is fantastic!


That is a bad-a$$ turntable.  Enjoy it immensely, in good health.


Talking Heads  -  More Songs About Buildings and Food   An original copy, from 1978.  Really lacking in the low frequency range, but otherwise plenty of good imaging and staging.  Excellent music!

Talking Heads  -  Speaking In Tongues   Reissue from a few years ago, remastered at Sterling Sound and pressed in Germany.  Outstanding album and a superior mastering/pressing/vinyl grade.  Really great SQ! 

Jeff Beck  -  Blow By Blow   AP/QRP 45rpm issue.  Jeff Beck at his very best.


Count Basie  -  Basie Jam #3   I love this album!  Pablo Records did a great job.

Kenny Burrell with Coleman Hawkins  -  Bluesey Burrell   AP/QRP, Fantastic!

A soothing day of music today.  Soft stuff

John Klemmer  -  Touch    Excellent saxophone, puts you in a mellow mood.

Tim Weisberg  -  4   Got this last week but just got a chance to play it.  Great stuff.

Michael Hedges  -  Aerial Boundaries  -  Got this last week, too.  Second time to play it.  Outstanding acoustic guitar work.  Windham Hill sure knows how to produce a record.  Excellent piece of vinyl.


Congratulations on going through the procedure of knee replacement.  It must have been pretty bad for you prior to the surgery and your choice of having it replaced will bring you many years of greater comfort and mobility.  I have had a hip replacement (4 years ago) and it was the best decision for me.  I was afraid that I would lose skiing and hiking.  Not so, I am skiing as powerful as ever.  Joint replacement technology and procedure has come a million miles over the past 40 years (since it first became available).  My words of advice, though, is to follow the doctors' direction to the letter.  That is, exactly the prescribed amount of movement and exercise to begin with, no more and no less.  Then, as you progress into physical therapy, participate at the fullest extent possible.  The payoff is great, if you do.  My other words of wisdom are to spin as much vinyl as possible and enjoy the music to the fullest extent.

Best to you on an excellent recovery. 👍😃


Weisberg 4 is still in route.  The Holiday Weekend played a role in that.  It is on schedule for Saturday arrival.  I'll play it Saturday night.

Last weekend for my Dynaudio Contour 60i speakers.  They are being picked up by FedEx Freight later next week, bound for TMR (The Music Room) in Colorado, for sale on consignment.  My new speakers should be shipping any day now (possibly tomorrow), and I hope they arrive by end of next week.  That would all be good timing.🤞

Lou Rawls  -  All Things In Time

Lightnin' Hopkins  -  Goin' Away   AP/QRP reissue.  

Muddy Waters  -  Folk Singer  AP/QRP 45rpm   What depth in this recording.

Michael Hedges  -  Aerial Boundaries   Just got this, NM condition.  Windham Hill  label.  They sure know how to make a recording.  This is just fabulous.  If you can find one, very highly recommended.


Hey Nick, how are the new speakers sounding now, with some hours on them?


Vinyl Rules!!!

Sonny Rollins  -  Saxophone Colossus   AP/QRP Prestige Series, mono reissue.  Outstanding, in every way!

Tania Maria  -  Forbidden Colors   Really a fun album.  Great SQ and a fusion of Latin/jazz/samba.  Excellent bass, really deep with great imaging and very wide soundstage.  Highly recommended.  Available on Discogs in NM condition ranging from $4 to $10.  Be sure to get the Capitol Records issue, C1-90966


FYI, I was able to see the LA Philharmonic, conducted by Zubin Mehta, perform the 1812 Overture at the Hollywood Bowl.  The concert was titled as "The Tchaikovsky Spectacular".  That was a long time ago, about 1980, but I remember it to this day.  The canons did produce a good wallup.  The fireworks were set off from behind the Bowl.  Really a spectacular show and wonderful experience.


Brian, answer to your question.  I sent the final check just a few days ago.  The speakers are just about completed and are scheduled to ship later next week.  I assume about a week of shipping time so I should receive them around July 15th or so.  This has been an exceptionally long order due to Lou Hinkley (owner of Daedalus Audio) taking on the challenge of promoting the upcoming Pacific Audio Fest, scheduled for the end of July.  I think that probably cost me an additional 2 months on this order.  Oh well, at least I have had a good set of speakers during this entire time.  I'll be shipping my current speakers to TMR (The Music Room, in Colorado) on a consignment sales agreement.  That should get me a solid sales price, even after their fees, and no hassles on my part.

I am really looking forward to the new speakers.  Thank you for inquiring and having me on your mind.

Tim Weisberg  -  Night Rider

Tim Weisberg  -  Dreamspeaker

Count Basie  -  Basie Jam #3

Ringo Star  -  Ringo  This is Ringos' first solo album.  It is fantastic and I have had it since it first released, in 1973.

My system seemed to be sounding exceptional today.  The bass has been just outstanding.

And this video ends with exactly my opinion, too.  "Teaser" is the epitome of Tommy Bolins' solo career.  He passed away much too soon.  Bolin was excellent!

I just bought the Tim Weisberg - 4 album.  NM for only $4.61 plus shipping = $8.  May as well make my Weisberg collection more complete.  I trust your evaluation of SQ as Audiophile.😃  Should be fun, thanks again for all of your work and reporting.

@dayglow   I have a few other Tim Weisberg albums and they are all really great sonics.  I saw him perform at the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach, back in 1979.  Small venue, about 350 people, and a wonderful show.

The vinyl from my youth, unfortunately, became rather thrashed and I gave those away many years ago.  Even then, I repurchased several.  And now, I have repurchased a number of those titles either as reissue or NM/M- in a used record.  Those memories, they are something special.

Note; I saw Iron Butterfly in 1971.  I believe that was their tour for the release of the album "Ball".  Very entertaining concert.  I purchased a fairly clean copy of "Heavy" last year.  That was their very first album, before "Inagadadevida" (is that even spelled correctly?).

Regarding Kirmus method, also check out the method used by theaudiophileman  I like his method very much and am about to get the products and begin to apply that method with my Degritter.  It's very similar to Kirmus.  You can find it by searching for "Degritter review" or via his website.

Michael Franks  "Tiger In The Rain"  Direct-Disc Labs, I do so much enjoy this album.

The Cars  "Heartbeat City"  Just got it this week so had to listen to it again.  It's really a very well produced and mixed album.  Great music!

Alice Cooper  "Goes  To Hell"  Since this has been mentioned lately I just had to pull it out, clean it, and play.  Very well produced album.  Really fun to listen to.  Always a fan of Alice Cooper.  I have a MoFi issue of "Welcome To My Nightmare" that I just may have to play tomorrow night.

Jethro Tull  "This Was"  The Steven Wilson remix.  Steven made a few cuts a bit bass heavy, but still quite entertaining.  A truly excellent early Tull album, showing their blues/rock side of the band.  I have most of the Steven Wilson remixes of Tull.  I think his best endeavor is "Stand Up".
I have quite a few Alice albums.  I saw them three times in concert, each for the album tour:  Killer, Billion Dollar Babies, and Welcome To My Nightmare.

Phenomenal concerts which, at the time, Alice called it "Rock Theater".

Performing "Cold Ethyl" holy cow, that was really something.
Indeed, Wild Life isn't as "polished" but that helps make it what it is.  

Listening to the album brought back memories of my girlfriend at the time.  I was a freshman in college, we met, and we loved this album.  I had my first real high-fidelity system and we played this many times.  She wore pineapple flavored lipstick.  I can taste those kisses when listening to this album.  
I just love the memories I have buried in my vinyl collection.
I've made the mistake of playing a 45 at 33 more than once.  "Hey, that sounds really weird!  Oh, I know why..."

Wings,  Wild Life  I have had this since it first released.  Wonderful!

Ambrosia,  S/T  Also, since it first was released.  Awesome!

Tim Weisberg,  Dreamspeaker  I really enjoy this album.

The Cars, Heartbeat City  Inspired by this thread I bought this album last week and it arrived today.  Now my Cars collection is 3 albums, which makes more sense.  Looks like it has never been played.  But still, I cleaned it before playing.  Fantastic pressing, quiet vinyl, and a fantastic album.  And for only $10 (plus shipping).  What a score!
I would be very interested in securing a clean copy of Steely Dan, "Katy Lied"  Please let me know if you have that and if you would want to sell it.

Jim, thank you for asking about my sisters health.  Well, she has her wits about her.  But physically, it's not good.  She looks like a rescue from a concentration camp.  I don't know if there is a turnaround even possible.  Time will tell.

P.J Harvey  "Uh Huh Her"

Pink Floyd  "The Final Cut"

So nice to hear excellent SQ after none for the past week.  And the music quality is exceptional, as well.
Back home now.

Steve, I am terribly sorry about the situation with your mother.  I know from experience just how difficult that is.  I wish you well through this difficult time and I wish a good recovery for your mother.  Peace!
You guys are all fantastic.  Thank you very much for your kind words and thoughts.

Signing off, have to pack the computer now.
Roger Waters  "Amused To Death"  This album is the ultimate in ambience, width, and outside-of-the-speakers effects.  But it also has the most incredible center-stage vocals I have ever heard.  In the room with you, almost scary.

I'm heading to the Big Island, Hawaii, tomorrow.  Unfortunately not a vacation, but to visit with my very ill sister.  I'll still check in and get ideas of what to play upon my return, next weekend.

Be safe and be healthy.  
I think that we all remember exactly where we were at the moment we got the news.  It's embedded into my life.

Everyone, everywhere I traveled for the next number of weeks and months (by car, no flights), were all so cordial to one another.  The entire country was "one".  What has happened to us since?  The division is just so sad.

Yes indeed,  "...foreign and domestic"
Speaking of Robin Trower, I was fortunate to have seen him perform.  About 5th or 6th row, center stage.  Man, I saw a lot of great concerts "back in the day".  I'll have to cue up some Trower later today.

Just bought this and will cue it up, after Trower.  Diana Krall, "Love Scenes" 2-disc set at 45rpm, mastered by Bernie Grundman and pressed at RTI.  Looking forward to this, with the system all warmed up.
Steve, I am very surprised about the bad copy you got on that Mayall album.  My copy is so flat and so quiet, both LPs.  SQ is outstanding on all tracks.  Track 3 on side 2 I think is my favorite. 

Moody Blues  "In Search of the Lost Chord"
'...thinking is the best way to travel' 

Pink Floyd  "The Final Cut"
Just got this a couple of weeks ago and this is the second time I have played it.  It's awesome!

Really?  A remaster (half speed) 45 of "A Momentary Lapse of Reason" is available for preorder and soon to ship?  This must be good fate for me.  I had ordered a Pink Floyd Records version of that album and received it a couple of weeks ago (from a seller on the Wall Mart site).  It was severely warped so I sent it back for credit.  Now, I will order this new release.  Good fate!  Thank you for the heads-up.  

Returned from my fishing trip yesterday afternoon.  Caught a ton of bonito and a barracuda but put them all back.  I don't eat bonito or barracuda.  Got a couple of nice yellowtail.  Got a nice medium sized bluefin tuna.  Lost a bigger bluefin tuna.  Darn!

Back to spinning vinyl later today.
Heading to San Diego in a few hours for my next fishing trip.  I'll be back at the dock on Thursday morning.  

Enjoy the Labor Day Holiday with good music and good food.
Be safe and healthy.
@big_greg  Wow Greg, you got some great stuff in that "free box".  That was a great score.
Steve, yes.  My copy of Division Bell is the double LP remaster.  It's excellent quality vinyl and superior sound quality.  Just got it, about 6 months ago.

I saw that concert, too.  North American tour of Division Bell at The Rose Bowl, Pasadena. 
Jim, fish art, yes indeed!  Those are yellowfin tuna.  I got that on a trade (Alpine car audio product for the framed art) from the artist, in Hawaii.  It's a Japanese art style, but I can't remember the name of it.  It begins with crinkled rice paper, then take the actual fish and paint them with a black carbon watery substance, lay the fish on the rice paper and that creates a silhouette of the fish.  The artist then colors in the fish with water colors.  It's quite unique and goes well with combining two of my hobbies, offshore fishing and high-fidelity music systems (and music, of course).

Sorry to be long winded, but I am rather enthused with it and wanted to share the story.