Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Showing 50 responses by bkeske

Leppard conducts Handel. 3 LP box set, LP #3; the overtures. The English Chamber Orchestra. Philips, Italian pressing 1972

To paraphrase Lowell George;
I met a Sapphire in GeorgiaĀ 
and it felt all right
spinning some vinylĀ 
On the SOTA tonight...

After further thought. I bought the SOTA. Let the fun begin šŸ˜ Thanks for your consultation Jim.

Thanks man. Iā€™m going to initially try to use the higher end armboard that is coming with it. Drilled for a Jelco, or at least meets the spec: 214mm from the spindle and 30mm hole.

If that doesnā€™t work at first, then look for an alternative.
Wait....ā€total investmentā€ isnā€™t realistic considering the rabbit hole I just leaped into šŸ˜

At least it would be a very solid startĀ 

Strongly considering the SOTA listed here after much discussion with @tomic601

Needs an arm, and a Jelco 750D would fit the current armboard....but would have to find one. Or go with another arm/board entirely.

I was actually seriously looking at the Mofi Ultradeck, per itā€™s very good reviews, as a new alternative with the Master cart, but Jim seems certain the SOTA with arm would ā€˜killā€™ the Mofi. He has heard both, obviously.

Usually jelco 750d for sale on ebay or usaudiomart


Man, I missed that one. Killer deal. Thanks!

Edit: oh, itā€™s an auction. But I would go to $700+ easily, especially with the cable included. New/old stock are fetching well over $1,000-$2,000.

Oh I will. I feel good about this. Not a big fan of the all oak finish, but sound before aesthetics. And heck, could always find a cabinet maker re-stain and finish it.

Canā€™t thank all enough for your help on this move.

Now for an arm.

Within my targeted Ā price range. Will look into the mounting specs closer.

Another possibility for tonearm Brian.


Origin live.

Drrsutliff swears by them, he has two mounted right now but higher up the food chain

Brian, Call George Merrill. He sells Jelco. He may have some left.
There's a 10" 750 for $610 on eBay.
Audio Sensibility have the Mk1 850S 9" for $1100.
Don't spend $1000+ on a 750.

Thanks, much appreciated. Yes, I need a 9ā€ arm to fit the 214mm center to spindle spec of the table/armboard Iā€™m purchasing with a 30mm hole.

And USA HIFI has the 9ā€ 850 MKII for 1,260.00 That Is doable, and also carry the DIN cables.

Congrats on the Sota Brian! I hope it brings you a lot of enjoyment.Ā 


I'm sure you'll be happy with that SOTA table, congratulations!

Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Now that Iā€™ve (finally) made a decision, Iā€™m excited about this next step in the journey.

Good show Brian!
keep your eye on that eBay Jelco.
With all the accessories if it stays below $1k I think it would be a great start.

Thats the one Iā€™m concentrating on right now. I will go a bit above $1,000 to get it, and that is worth it, especially with the Audioquest cable. If it comes in below $1,000 I would consider it a great deal, and my total investment around $2,000....which would please me greatly.

Bought the KLE fromĀ www.partsconnexion.com. at 33% discount.

Total investment under $300.00.

Iā€™ll definitely keep it mind. But, just ordered 2 sets of Audio Envy ICā€™s. So, trying to go slow, lol.


@bkeske If you can stretch to the 850, it is worth it. Top arm.

Iā€™ll look around, thanks!

Iā€™m sitting and waiting on bidding on a 750D on eBay. I wonā€™t bid until the last few minutes, and have a feeling the bids wonā€™t go crazy until then, if it does at all. 3 years old in great shape. Iā€™ll easily offer up $1,000-1,200 if needed.

Are you familiar with USAHIFI? Just found them.

They have an 850s for $1,070 new.Ā 
Perhaps I should rethink the 750? Many 750ā€™s Iā€™ve seen are going for higher than that.
Grateful Dead - Europe 72. WB 1972

Although I thought about going ultrasonic for cleaning, I just donā€™t have the room. So, purchased a Record Doctor VI vacuum cleaner, which arrived last week. Getting the hang of it, and you have to go (spin) slow. Iā€™m also finding cleaning using the Record Doctor wash, then using my old Spin Clean for an additional cleanse, and vacuuming again is providing pretty good results on albums like this, which have not been cleaned thoroughly like this ever, since the early-mid 70ā€™s.Ā 

Not bad. At first I was vacuuming too fast, and wasnā€™t getting the same results. I have some Mofi record wash coming, and will be interested in how that cleans vs what came with the Record Doctor unit.
Well guys, The SOTA Sapphire is on its way, and I just purchased a Jelco TK-850S MKII arm.

Let the fun begin.

Thanks again for all or your insights, help, and recommendations.
Yes, it looks to have a recess slaw, in addition, he included the SOTA clamp.
Bach -Ā Brandenburgische Konzerte Nr. 1-6, box set.Ā Concentus Musicus Wien. Telefunken, German pressing 1982
Love that album Uber. Donā€™t have it on vinyl though, just their CD box set. Back in the day, we Dead Heads looked down on the ā€˜soper takingā€™ Zeppelin guys šŸ˜ Ya know, we were into acid.

Thus, never ever bought any Zep on vinyl. Would like to have some now though.

Come to think of it though, I believe I had #2 on 8-track.

Know which cart youā€™ll use? I promise not to suggest one.

Initially, at this point, probably just use my existing Grado Red. I know what it sounds like, so may be a good benchmark to show the table/arm difference.

Iā€™ll take some time thinking about a new cart. On my initial short list are possibly something from Soundsmith, Hana, or perhaps even a higher end wooden Grado.

Just not sure. And if I go to a MC cart, then a new phono stage would be needed as well, unless I would go with a higher output.

The next cart will be more of an investment, not Just another $200-$400 cart.
One step at a time. And slaw, you can suggest anything you want šŸ˜‰

Just noticed your post on the Record Doctor. I used one for decades. Never gave any trouble. The problem with vacuum cleaners is they introduce static.

I have to admit, initially I was a bit underwhelmed. But as I said, I think there is a certain way and pace you have to use it. I thought of getting a Nitty Gritty, or a unit as your VPI, but finally convinced myself I could turn the darn thing by hand. But, I do think I was spinning too fast. Also, when using *a lot* of fluid, and ā€˜sudsingā€™ the album, I donā€™t think the results seemed great simply vacuuming that off, alone. Thatā€™s when I used the record cleaner, ā€˜sudsā€™ the album, vacuum, run it through the Spin Clean, and a final vacuum.

That seems to work on never/long non-cleaned albums, or, ones which have only been through my Spin Clean. Those albums were noticeably quieter after that regiment.

Static? Yea, always a pain. And it isnā€™t winter yet. Last year I bought a humidifier. You could be very right about a vacuum creating static, but it doesnā€™t seem as much as me drying the albums by hand with the Spin Clean cloths. I have a Zerostat, but will keep my eye out on that DESTAT.
Schubert - The Last Four Quartets. The New Hungarian Quartet. 3 LP box set. VoxBox 1973

Super Session; Mike Bloomfield, Al Kooper, and Steve Stills made one hell of a serious album in that "session". I have an original copy and also bought a reissue from Speakers Corner.

Yea! I have the original release of that album as well, purchased back in the 70ā€™s. Really neat release by those three.

Cool! Do you have room for both tables?

Well, #1, still awaiting the Jelco 850, but itā€™s on its way. But, tinkered with it....unboxed, set-up as much as I can, just got acquainted so to speak.....had to talk to @tomic601 to make sure any concerns I had were unfounded, etc. He assures me everything seems normal sans arm.

But, it is a beast at 50 lb. Build quality seems pretty incredible.

in terms of room for two? Yet to be decided. Of course I could figure something out. I want a mono table, so could use the Carbon for that, or, buy another headshell with a mono cart installed, and sell the Carbon. Iā€™m sure I could put the cash to immediate use šŸ˜‰ The real issue with the additional headshell is primarily VTA differences between two or more carts, as the Jelco doesnā€™t have ā€˜VTA on the flyā€™ adjustment. Albeit you can purchase one for $200. And that is on my radar should I decide that route.

Regarding any future thinking on cartridges, your first mention of SoundSmith is solid!

Iā€™ve been studying a bunch of carts. Iā€™m leaning towards a higher end MM or MI for right now. If I decide to go MC, I think that will take a much higher investment, both on the cart and pre. Iā€™m in no hurry. It will eventually happen.

There is a used Roksan Corus Black listed here (160 hours) for half price of new, but Iā€™m not sure new stylus are still available for that cart, but can use a Goldring as I understand. Also a used Soundsmith Zephr MkII being sold by the Music Room. Or, a Soundsmith Carmen Mk II new, not the ES. Grado Sonota III is of interest. Nagaoka MP-300 or 500. Clearaudio has caught my attention. Have read some interesting things about the The Vessel A3SM by LP Gear. The Sumiko Moonstone has revived some praise, and inexpensive.Ā And of course the Ortofon Black. Iā€™ve had Ortofon carts in the past, and just looking for something different, albeit I should not discount that one.

Still thinking....still searching...

Oh, and thanks for the offer on additional shot. I have some, but until I get the arm, really wonā€™t know if additional will be necessary, or not.

Might I ADD the Goldring 1042 or 2400 to your list just to increase your quandary.......

Gee, thanks uber ;-D

Its/they are in that 'sweet spot' price wise, but I'm willing to go 1-1.2k if I know it will knock my socks off for a MM/MI

Edit: Just inquired, and US Audio Mart has ā€˜red flagsā€™ on the question form, as in someone has questioned this guys credibility. Iā€™ll see how he responds.

Uh oh, you might have just peeked my interest and my wallet. Seems like a great deal.

That wonā€™t last.
Edit: Just inquired, and US Audio Mart has ā€˜red flagsā€™ on the question form, as in someone has questioned this guys credibility. Iā€™ll see how he responds

I heard back, it seems someone may have been questioning if that was a ā€˜properā€™ Soundsmith box. He wasnā€™t aware anyone flagged him.

He says the cart origionally came as a package deal with a VPI Prime.Ā 

Brian, I think you might be bored with those boring cartridges.
London Super Gold/Decapod is what you need.

Dang man, I was literally just checking those out.

EDIT: Works on the knife edge Jelco? I see that could be a concern (?).
Boulez conducts Schoenberg. BBC Symphony Orchestra. Columbia Masterworks Ā 1978

"One unscrupelous seller gave me bad feedback on USAM when Paypal agreed with me that the gear he sent me was defective and not as described and refunded my money. "

yea, thought that too, but he has another item on USAM and the same warning didnā€™t pop-up. So must have been specifically about this cart. How knows....He has great rating on eBay, primarily as a buyer, and may have been a member here, although not active recently.
Klemperer conducts ā€˜A Wagner Programā€™. The Philadelphia Orchestra. Angel, reissue, 80ā€™s. Originally 1963

+1 Bkeske, Your vinyl will sound wonderful

I sure hope so, this was a big leap for me, as Iā€™m so damn cautious and careful regarding diminishing returns, and always looking for ā€˜a dealā€™, a diamond in the rough. But, if there was one area to make that leap, it was in my overall TT rig. It was time.

Iā€™m now listening to my vinyl, and albums like Enoā€™s, and wondering just how much different it may all sound to me after Itā€™s all put together. At least thatā€™s what we hope for. Iā€™m really interested in hearing how much better some of my orchestral LPā€™s will sound. To me, that will be all worth it. Fingers crossed.