What would you choose for about $1k, ZU DW, SVS Ultra bookshelf or Tekton Lore?

I need your help upgrading from my first system (NAD with B&W 602’) to my next system, that I hope will last me for the next 10 years. My budget for speakers is just over $1200. I have narrowed it down to either the SVS Ultra bookshelf, the Tekton Lore or Zu’ upcoming DW Omen special ( should I include Magnipan .7’?) -which of these three-four would you select and why? I am running a Schiit Vidar with Schiit Saga preamp. I love all kinds of music, my music room is about 12 feet by 24 by 12 feet. My main mission is for high quality stereo sound at a reasonable price -that will be a good improvement on my current B&W 602 setup. Thank you! 
My decision. Given your input -- you deserve to know where I am landing and why. First, permit me this preamble:

1. If you live in the USA, the you really need to appreciate the wonderful range of practical options available to you. For example, even though we have a "dealer" in Toronto, they have no Vandersteen' in stock, to audition. 
2. For newbies, buy the best gear you can afford at your stage of life. As a young man the cost felt like a fortune. However, even after 14+ years of ownership my B&W 602' + NAD Amp/CD still provide great joy, (I am actually looking for a second clean set of B&W 602'). 
3. I have little doubt that Tekton make great speakers. The customer service is however really lacking. As mentioned in other posts, their lack of communication is disconcerting. I have had no replies regarding my inquiries. (This becomes a problem when you have to ship product across boarder). 
4. High on my future wishlist are the Totem products (and I hope to be able to audition the other recommendations also). 

I decided to go with Zu.

1. They have answered every one of my phone calls and e-mails and they are trying to work with me on shipping (which will be half of my cost).
2. The $999 OMEN DIRTY WEEKEND [MK.II]  makes for excellent value. They are actually using new drivers (not recycled, as the have "run out of recycled drivers"). My research leads me to believe that the retail cost of the drivers and internal components alone are ~$500 (this in contrast to the well regarded SVS Ulta, which I believe only has about ~$200 worth of internal components). I understand (and expect) the cabinet workmanship to be world-class (I am opting for the "electric blue" cabinet).
3. Being unable to first review, mine is indeed a calculated risk., as well as a test of the reliability (Steve Guttenberg!).  Wish me luck! I will report my findings. Thanks!  

Congrats.  I own Omen DW mkII's along with two other Zu models.  I agree with Steve Guttenberg 100%... the Omen DW is an extremely fun speaker to listen to.  And yes I think their cabinet workmanship is top notch.  Like you I came to Zu from B&W's, the two have quite a different presentation.  
Thanks Whoopycat! Having 18 kids (before we freak out here--none are biological to us :-) --one tends to become value conscious and I am thinking that my new combo may be one of the best value propositions..  (Schiit Vidar / Saga $1050 + Zu DW $999 = $2049 sans shipping & tax). 

I was tempted by a pair of B&W CDM NT9' -on sale here now for ~$1200.  Also, keeping my old B&W'.    
Have u tried single driver speakers?  Check out the Omega line, great value, very nice speakers.  I have owned two different pairs and found them both to be very good. Besides, Louis Chocos is fantastic to deal with.  
Gosh...anytime you can get a $2,250 pair of loudspeakers directly from the manufacturer for $1k, I'd say go for it. Well done! I have not heard the Omen, but based on other Zu products that I've experienced, I'm sure they will impress.

I'm actually listening to the SVS Ultra Bookshelf speakers as I type this. This speaker is popular with the home theater crowd, but I think it deserves a place in dedicated 2-channel listening rooms too. Build quality is in a completely different league than the Elac Debut or Uni-Fi lines. These little guys render well-recorded piano as well as anything I've heard and image like bandits. Played at reasonable levels, they don't need subs. One could easily do worse for $1k, IMHO.

Of course, they are not going to party like the Omen's... nowhere near it. Enjoy those Zu's!