What would you choose for about $1k, ZU DW, SVS Ultra bookshelf or Tekton Lore?

I need your help upgrading from my first system (NAD with B&W 602’) to my next system, that I hope will last me for the next 10 years. My budget for speakers is just over $1200. I have narrowed it down to either the SVS Ultra bookshelf, the Tekton Lore or Zu’ upcoming DW Omen special ( should I include Magnipan .7’?) -which of these three-four would you select and why? I am running a Schiit Vidar with Schiit Saga preamp. I love all kinds of music, my music room is about 12 feet by 24 by 12 feet. My main mission is for high quality stereo sound at a reasonable price -that will be a good improvement on my current B&W 602 setup. Thank you! 
What I've learned that it's not much impact on how low speakers can go flat -- it's how they're balanced and voiced to present.
JBL4430 is winner and you gotta probably wait-up a-bit more to get REAL ones that will fill your room. They will work good with any NAD. 
One thing I didn't mention...

Originally I had the Lores in a 3500 cubic foot room...they could easily do 95 db at the listening position 12' back with plenty of toneful low end and balance overall without a subwoofer...probably using less than 30 watts given their efficiency.

I suspect both the Lore and Dirty Weekend will sound good with the Vidar.  I've used the Crown XLS200, Nuprime STA9 and Halo A23 with the Lores and all were a good fit with their own unique differences.
Thank you all -specifically you who have clearly taken some time to respond here--I am actually a little blown away by this user group (my first visit here). I have an e-mail into Eric at Tekton and may even call in a little later today. I am going to try and audition the Vandersteen (which, thanks to info from gdnrbob, I understand may be closer to my location). I am also reading up on all the other mentioned suggestions-thanks again.  Anyone have thoughts re the SVS Ultra bookshelf-these seem to be getting excellent user reviews. I am amazed by the small number of actual user info on youtube regarding Zu, Tekton and other suggestions.  I will report findings soon.    
I've heard  many $1k a pair speakers.  None I have heard have blown me away like the Elac Uni-fi uf5. Crazy good speakers!
Go back and reread the post from czarivey...
Excellent foresight !
That's the kind of knowledge that comes with experience .

Good luck .