What will it take to have live music for everyone?

Given that the best of equipment in the best of rooms can produce live sounding music under certain circumstances. Not live musicians in real amphitheaters, but reproduce the sound, feeling, air of the experience.

That leaves a rare few with that experience sometimes.

What will it take in audio for everyone to have that at a price that they can afford and are willing to pay?

Showing 1 response by bearotti

I agree with most everything that has been said in this post. As a musician myself, I have noticed that many of my friends who sit in front of my system seem to "get it." In fact, I have had a few friends ask me for help in designing fair priced systems for them. My friends have not spent as much time with audio as I have so their observations are not as detailed as my own, but I feel that they all have the capability to really appreciate hifi. I think that it is because we know what music is supposed to sound like, and hearing accurate reproduction of it takes an important precedence...Now if I could only explain to them that my system is only at the tip of the iceberg of what is capable!