What will become of my beloved CDs?

I have nearly 2000 CDs (DVDA, SACD, etc) and am very fond of them, or at least the music that is on them. However, it seems that music distribution is going to someday soon be totally on-line through downloads (True? When?). So, when most all of the music on my CDs is available in higher-quality on-line downloads (with artwork, I'm sure), what will become of my CDs? Will they be the shiny-silver equivalent to 8-Track tapes? Or, will they become a novelty and collectable? Should I seel them ASAP?? Any economists here???

Showing 1 response by pbb

Hold on to those CDs man. Another twenty years or so and they will be all the rage. People will collect them and marvel at the sound quality such an old technology can bring. They will marvel at the life-like quality of the recordings. They will go to yard sales, garage sales, pawn shops, specialty shops and will have their brains implanted with tiny chips as a replacement for those E-bay auctions, but without the computer and net connection, and will be able to buy them, sight unseen, from clear around the globe. Hold on to that dream...