What were your own blind cable test results?

Did you ever conduct a blind speaker cable test yourself? Please share your experiences, results, and the gear level associated with your test. For example, test conducted with cable types: DIY, Lo/Mid/High end, Components: Lo-Fi, Mid-Fi, High End-Fi. Feel free to elaborate on your gears if you like.

Please note that this is not a debate on whether DIY, or cheaper cable makes a big difference with high end cables. Nor about snake oils, etc.

I'll start first, a buddy of mine and I did a recent test on our Mid-Fi system with 5 cables, 1 Home Depot, 1 DIY, 3 Mid End cables from various cable Co. After 2 hours of listening and swapping cables, our results - it was very difficult to tell. The longer you listen, the more fused the music becomes, perhaps of listening fatigue. However, we were able to pick out one branded cable consistently as it has a 'flattening' effect on the music in our system, funny that this cable contains the most high-tech approach. As far as the other four cables, it was very difficult to discern the difference. This exercise helped us to weed out the one that we dislike the most, and enjoy the music with the others.

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