What were the best and worst rooms at RMAF 2009?

Of course I have my picks, but what are yours?

Showing 4 responses by jaybo

one of these days (at one of these shows), someone is going to set up a pair of old (pick any old classic speaker for under 500 bucks), a marantz receiver, and a dual turntable, and blow the house down. yes, i'm serious.
spica tc50( or 60),Celestion 100, Large Advent, Dahlquist 905, Dynac A25, JBL 4312, Ohm E (or E2), Cabasse Sloop(or Clipper), Pink Triangle Ventrical, AR 302, altec Lansing 305, Allison 4,5(or cd7)...i can keep going, but I'll need time.... All of these sound great in an avg sized room and all can be had cheap...add your favorite lp (wine or pot are recommended options) and have a downright religious experience.
an interesting aside the all the equipment opinions (which is to be expected) is 'the biggest change of allin sound'...the demographic of the consumer..way older ears ,perhaps more affluent, predominately male, lots of free time....honestly, a completely different 'target' audience than 2 channel stereo was trying to attract 20 years ago or 30 years ago. The hi end portion of CES is looking like 'gods waiting room'....yes I'm an older fart too.