What was your first record?

The first record I ever owned: ‘At the Hop’ by Danny and the Juniors ( just listened to it, and it made me get up and dance!)

The first record I ever bought myself: ‘Meet the Beatles’



LP: Magical Mystery Tour

45: Incense and Peppermint

I sold flower and vegetable seeds door-to-door for my spending money in the spring and summer.

In the fall I raked leaves.

In the winter shoveled snow.

First record my mom bought me (age 7 or 8):  Kiss - Dressed to Kill

First record I bought myself (age 9):  Rush - Farewell to Kings



I think I was maybe 12 (1970). My parents got me a suitcase phonograph and two 45 rpm records. “No time” by the Guess Who and “Venus” by The Shocking Blue. I now have about 3000 records 

I have been thinking n thinking what was the first album i bought with my own money.The Beatles 65,bought it at Woolworth's in Manhattan. I was a Freshman in High School Aviation HS class of 69.