At that price point I have found the Jaton Operetta AV 5140 to be an excellent all-around performer. I prefer a more detailed sound with sharper image focus/outlines and a tighter bass. These Jatons are frequently available in 4 or 5 channels so you could use 1 amp to biamp your speakers, which is exactly what I did with very good results.
Sonically, these amps are (for the price new) quite detailed and rather neutral though the bass may stand out a bit, not being exaggerated, but having more weight and slam than many I've heard. I think power rating is 70w/8ohm 140/4ohm and has been plenty for me with several speakers with average efficiency even when played quite loudly.
For what they sell for on the used market, I can't imagine you could do much better. There is an upgraded 2 channel one on USAudiomart for only $300! And in all honesty, I felt it bettered a Cambridge Audio 840W which I'd been using until I got the Jaton. The Jaton was a bit more detailed and seemed more transparent. Both are monsters in the bass department. Appearance-wise, especially in pics, they do look like very little more than a small step up from some A/V receivers but in person, they are quite substantial. For the money, I think you'll be very satisfied.