What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?

When it comes to music, about half of my friends are "collectors" and the other half are true audiophiles. It seems the collectors are so obsessed with the size of their collections, that they leave no room in their budget for quality audio equipment. I think the audiophiles, with their focus on quality over quantity, are the ones with their priorities straight. So, unless you are on an unlimited budget, I'm guessing that audiophiles are more selective in their musical purchases. That being the case, I'm curious about what "buried treasures" have you been able to find? Thanks for responding and I look forward to discovering some good music, based on your suggestions.

I'll lead off with the band Crack The Sky, most notably their first two albums: "Crack The Sky" (1975) and "Animal Notes" (1976). I would describe them as a cross between Be Bop Deluxe and Frank Zappa. Their music is unique and totally unmistakable with anyone else. Choice cuts from the debut album are: "Ice;" She's a Dancer;" "Mind Baby" & "Sleep." Choice cuts from Animal Notes are: "Animal Skins;" "Wet Teenager;" Virgin....No" & "Maybe I Can Fool Everybody."

Showing 2 responses by sns

Lots of good suggestions here, I've probably heard of or have about fifty percent of musicians listed. I've been a music lover and audiophile for over forty years so I'm aware of the older stuff. Most of my listening is now via computer based audio, Tidal, and soon Qobuz, makes everything so much more accessible. Tidal has brought countless new excellent performers to my attention, some have been mentioned. I will add a few.
Olivia Cheney, wonderful British folk.Morcheeba, kind of like Massive AttackHooverphonic, european modern pop/rock
Lee ann Womack, Laura Cantrell, real countrySparks, very different rock, 70'sJonathan Richman & Modern LoversBlack Mountain, Rival Sons, hard rock in Led Zeppelin vein
The United States of America, 60's experimental rock band out of NYC. Cut only one album, too bad!