What type of wire for dedicated 20A AC lines?

I’m about to have two 20A dedicated lines installed. What type of wire should I use? I know there are differences of opinion on whether to use 10 AWG or 12 AWG, however the link below makes a great case for using even 8 AWG solid core copper on longer runs like mine will be (50 ft), to ensure a lower resistance, lower voltage drop over the long run, and therefore more access to instantaneous current for my Gryphon Diablo 300. The wire would need to be stepped down to 10 AWG to connect with the receptacle. The article actually states that the thickness of the wire is more important than the fact that it is dedicated…

Assuming I want to follow this advice, which again makes sense to me, where would I find such wire to give to my electrician?



Showing 3 responses by thyname

@nyev : I am fortunate that my audio system is very close to the distribution box, and lengthy wires are not required.


It’s been a few years since I did this, but I remember I bought it (along with other stuff) from Alan Kafton at Audio Excellence in AZ. Back then, I think I paid about $300-$400 for 10-20 feet run I can't remember exact details. Not super expensive

@nyev :

I’m going to really going to enjoy my big fat 10AWG wires with lower resistance, enabling more rapid access to glorious peak current, all for like two hundred bucks extra, give or take. 

Good decision. Best of luck with the project and install. IMO, the peace of mind alone by doing 10 AWG, no regrets down the road, is totally worth the extra two hundred bucks, regardless of whether it makes a difference in theory or practice