What type of solder do you use and why?

I'm starting for the first time "DIY" mods. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by clueless

Check out the "How hot is hot enough" thread from a few days ago. Lots of good info there. Don't buy a cheap iron.
There is good info here and here.I would follow Quest's advise and use a user friendly solder because the quality of the contact is more important than the solder used. Fancy(silver)is sometimes harder to work with because of the melting point. Everybody has there own favorite though.


Well there is a lot of good solder here. I'll go for Rat Shack lead free stuff. I think it has a 2-3% silver content. It won't kill your brain cells (I'm biased here as I have precious few left to waste) and can be bought around the corner. I have to admit though that my favorite dog is a mutt.

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