What type of Audio Gal or Guy are you? Do You Know?

Leaving this open ended for members to share their own definitions, categories and thoughts and stories.

So:  What type of Audiophile / Music Lover / Audio Gal or Guy are you?

- Can you specifically define it or do you find yourself falling within a range or multiple categories?

- What are these categories or groups?

- Was there a Eureka moment? If you have figured it out, when and how did it happen?

- Do you have any stories about things getting out of hand? Interventions? How did you rein yourself in?
- If you are not an Audiophile, how do you prefer to describe your interest in and pursuit of music and audio?

- Has "Know Thyself" helped you in your audio journey? How? 


***Let's Have Some Fun With This!***

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

I'm a cranky old man who's hearing ain't what it used to be.  And my system never makes me breakout in tears or jump up and start to dance, but great music on a table radio can.  At least on a vintage radio with cryo'ed tubes and an upgraded power cord.