Steve- I differentiated between the square and round mainly due to age because the round motor indicated a later model Classic which also came with the black platter and the better arm. (As WT improved the Classic, it became less like the Record Player model.) WT is able to update motors to their latest version, which has now been out for about a year. The latest motor is quieter. Also, while the square cutout offers more tensioning adjustment, the round still has enough room to offer more than an adequate amount of space to adjust the tension of a silk or mylar belt.
I went with the OL motor instead of upgrading the WT motor and am pleased. In considering and/or purchasing the OL motor, feel free to email me directly if you wish. I had written the instructions for the WT tables on OL's website and would be happy to explain any unclear points.
Hope that clarifies my original post for you and Bro57.
I went with the OL motor instead of upgrading the WT motor and am pleased. In considering and/or purchasing the OL motor, feel free to email me directly if you wish. I had written the instructions for the WT tables on OL's website and would be happy to explain any unclear points.
Hope that clarifies my original post for you and Bro57.