What trans (SUT) for a Victor mc-5E cartridge?


I have this cartridge (and this is my first experience with mc cart, I have never had any before) and I have a good MM amplifier
so I am looking for a step up transformer for this cart.
It is said to be 30ohn cart. What should I get or look for in order
to get a proper match? I am looking at
1-denon au-340 (Though I can see there 40 ohm indication. Is it a big difference, incompatible? )
2-Fidelity Research FRT-4
3-Entre ET-100-2 I dont know the characteristics , will it suit or not?

4-Denon au-s1 but I dont know the characteristics either

But maybe there is smth much better for this cart? What would you suggest? Thank you


Showing 4 responses by rauliruegas

lewm : " Which is why it would be useful to know what phono and linestage ""


No, the problem is that usually you really did not read the OP thread or even make not a minimum search of the SUT's OP named or whatever OP threads.

Not doing that job only " distress " a MC newcomer with out necessity .

Anyway, the OP is safe with those SUT's no matters what.



lewm: The Denon 340 and Entré 100-2 comes with  3 different gain/ratio  and impedance choices. There is no problem as you posted.


I think the OP is looking for help  and those two SUTs have the solution/answer to him and his cartridge that over time I'm sure it won't be his first and last LOMC cartridge. Don't you think?



Dear @serge8  : Of the ones you named you can't go grong with either the Denon 340 or the Entré 100-2.

Both are not only very good SUTs but comes with gain and impedance different choices to mate with any cartridge including yours.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
