What to upgrade first?

Currently running an inexpensive 2x50 receiver and inexpensive speakers. Primary audio sources FM and CD's.
CD player is close to brand new California Audio Labs DX-2.
Apt. environment, good sized living room with high, sloped ceiling. Listen to jazz, blues, female vocals, classical
only occassionaly. Should I upgrade the reciever or speakers
first, and any recommendations? Price range around $500 for
first upgrade, can't do both at one time. THANKS!

Showing 1 response by costrosk

It's kinda tough to call at that price point. To get the most for your money, you're probably looking at used gear, and there are some buys to be had in electronics out there, but I'd suggest trying to save up a bit more (closer to $1000) and then upgrade the speakers first. My logic is that $1000 can buy some very fine used speakers (and some quite decent brand new ones) that may show your current receiver to be better than it seems, but more importantly, will definitely show the true colors of any replacement gear you subsequently acquire. Even if you find an incredible deal on an amp right now, it's only going to sound as good as the speakers it's played thru - if they totally suck, well, what you think you gonna hear?

You are lucky to have the CAL - I really like their stuff.
