What to put under my VAC AMP/ PREAMP??

What do you guys rec. to put under the amp/preamp- anyone have anything that works well( symposium shelves- some type of roller balls ) any thoughts would be appreciated- gary

Showing 7 responses by arthursmuck

I have tried some different KT88's (Winged C, Genelex reissues) and they were nice, but I keep coming back to the VAC tubes as my favorites. Plus the cost of tube rolling just doubled as I'm running 300.1 monoblocks....

I haven't tried any 6550's how do they differ sonically from the KT88?
HRS is all custom made, so no demo there, I've talked with them about it before. Critical Mass is something I'll check out as well, although the Shum Mook are intriguing because I can use my existing rack shelves with them...
As long as we have a few Phi 300.1 owners here, do you guys run in Triode or Ultralinear?
I'm really torn between the two and tend to go back and forth...what about Ultralinear do you prefer?
Thanks for the follow up Bchief! I have come to the same conclusion myself. I have been in Ultralinear for awhile now and have found just as you said Triode, while it still sounds great, seems just a bit thinner and less involving by comparison...happy listening!

BTW, on the topic of the thread, I have a few different types of footers coming in over the next couple weeks for under my Phi 300.1's...I'll report back on what I hear...
Ozy, I can't believe any of this without new pics of your room and system..... :-)

Hope all is well with you and congrats on what must be another astounding setup!