What to drive Soundlab Prima speakers with?

I am currently using a Llano Trinity 200 to power a pair of Soundlab Prima speakers and find that the bass just isn't what I think it should be.  Just a little background:  I had a Llano Trinity 300 that was driving Soundlab Quantum speakers and it sounded amazing.  Trinity 300 was damaged beyond repair (long story) and I switched to my Trinity 200 to drive the Quantum speakers and it sounded great.  Fast forward to today:  I picked up a pair of Prima speakers after I listened to them being driven by Joule-Electra VZN-100 OTL Amps.  As you can guess, I was blown away by them compared to the Quantums.  
So my main question is what to drive the Prima speakers with that won't break the bank?  I was thinking a pair of Adcom 555 II amps each bridged.  Are there any other monoblocks out there that aren't big money?  I wanted to stay under $2k if possible.  I know that isn't much, but we just moved, spent a ton of cash fixing the previous house and buying furniture for the new house.
TIA for your input!
Thanks! The first thing I would do is contact Sound Lab and see if there is an updated backplate for the speaker. If so its likely that the new backplate will make the speaker a lot easier to drive and will widen the available amplifier candidates.

The backplate had a big effect on the larger Sound Labs like the A-1. What took 200 watts before went to about 100 watts with better sound overall because the speaker is also an easier impedance.
They are part of the Soundlab Millennium series.  And they replaced the A-4. Here are a link for more info:

I'll see if I can dig up some more.

Sound Labs have often been the match made in heaven with OTLs.  The Prima is a model I've not heard of- its not on their website. Can you tell me more about it?