What To Do?

In a bit of a quandary and am hoping to get some advice. I have three Vibraplane platforms and a dedicated pump outfitted to keep all three properly inflated simultaneously. I am unable to use them and am relocating and, because of their weight and inability to ship them safely, they cannot go with me. I would like to sell them but because I cannot ship them and live in rural NJ (yes, there is such a place) it has been hard to find a buyer. Should I try to auction them on this site with a very low reserve? Sell them here at a very low price to attract someone who is willing to travel to pick them up? I want someone to enjoy them but they will end up in the dumpster if I cannot move them out by the end of the month. Any suggestions are welcome. They are in very good condition and would be great for someone with a sturdy rack or want to use them as amp stands on the floor. 


I think you know the answer.

  • First, who would be interested in owning them, only dedicated audiophile?
  • Second, assuming audiophiles, how many are in reasonable driving distance?
  • Third, only audiophiles who need the platforms will be interested
  • Fourth - if someone only needs 1 platform, but it’s 3 or nothing…

So chances likely slim but not zero, stuff can happen.

Maybe the nearest audiophile club member might be interested, but to motivate they’ll probably need a deep discount to free (amazing what people do for free stuff) to move it quickly

Thanks @kennyc I know the odds are short but I am hoping someone can step in to take custody of these—they work as advertised and should be enjoyed by someone. BTW, not all or none—I am happy to sell them separately, someone who did not get the pump can purchase one for around $600 from the distributor.