What three cd's would one keep from collection ?

Yes, if you had to keep three only, and the rest given away, what would they be ?

Showing 1 response by lloydc

Why specify cd's which are available on vinyl with better quality? Or perhaps, stick with road Cd's for listening in the car. Joni Mitchell - great at home on vinyl, not so great digitized and with road noise. Something like Allmans Live at FM East - the cd long version with the nearly complete shows - makes sense; it isn't available on vinyl (or is it?). Or something like one of the Dead's Dick's Picks; American Beauty and Workingmans Dead are much better in analogue (Bob Weir is very clear about his preference for analogue). Or any of the ancient recordings transferred from 78 to cd with restrained noise reduction and eq (or even cylinders or player piano recordings, e.g., Busoni), with better quality than most of us are likely to get otherwise (btw, what's up with Art Dudley advocating 78's these days?). Or the 10 cd Djangology set, where accumulating an equivalent collection of vinyl Django discs is difficult, not to mention cost prohibitive.