What the *#$@ happened??

I'll keep this short, just hoping someone can let me know what's going on. I changed out the platform my TT was on to a much denser wood, and I'm not really happy with the results. The good, I can hear more detail in the music, subtle nuances are more prevalent, better instrument separation, especially in complex arrangements. The bad, the whole stage moved back and got flatter, it lost depth. And the 3 dimensional characteristics of the singers voice also lost luster, became flatter as it were. It almost seems like I'm listening to a stereo now instead of a live performance. I thought the heavier wood would improve the sound, not degrade it. 
Anyone know why this happened?

Showing 1 response by bdp24

shawn, is the DIY isolation table you refer to a slightly inflated inner tube under a plywood shelf? If so, I’m with ya. I first saw it suggested by Frank Van Alstine about thirty years ago! Max Townshend offered a (discontinued) commercial product incorporating a tube, called the Seismic Sink (there is one on Audiogon right now). If you add a trio of roller bearings between the shelf and the turntable (or CD player, tube pre-amp, etc.), you really have good isolation down to around 3Hz. To do better than that you have to get a $2500 Minus K table or equivalent.