What tattoo to get next?

Hi there,

I wanna get a tat that reflects my interest in music and/or all things audio. Probably get it done my left shoulder. I have several ideas already in mind..

- Cover of Elton John's "Live in Australia"
- Cover of Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms"
- Cover of Supertramp's "Even in the Quietest Moments"
- a Saxaphone
- An Oracle Delphi Mark V turntable (any help pointing me to pics on the web I can grab would be appreciated, didn't have much luck so far).

Anything else come to mind folks? Thanks, Jeff
Hey guys,

This is turning into a fun thread. I already have a tattoo on my right shoulder, it's a very tasteful (and simple) flag fluttering in the wind. Shoulders and backs are great places to get some artwork done; tats are something you do for yourself and I like the fact that 99% of the time I'm the only one who even knows I have a tat. Dark Side of the Moon is a novel idea, I may consider that one as well but my only concern is becoming a total jazz or classical nut in my later years and wondering why I have a rock album tattooed on me. I'd love to get a turntable done, any ideas where I can find some good pics of an Oracle Delphi V? Any other novel ideas? Cheers, Jeff
jeff,dont listen to em man,do what you like!get the tattoo that you like!tattoos arent for everybody but neither is hifi,i have a tattoo covering my back of the judas priest album jugulator,i dont care for the music but i liked the tattoo.

one thing to keep in mind when gettin a tattoo is if you ever grow tired of the way it looks its much easier to get a cover up if you keep the color around 50% or less.

mt10425 is correct when he says that you will want more,if you like what you get you will continue,i know, i started with 1 tattoo & ended up with both arms sleeved out & my total back covered but im ok with it.

kurt tank, when you can sucessfully explain your love for hifi to your non hifi friends ill explain the love for tattoos to ya,its a matter of what ya like.
How about a tatoo of stylus tracking pressure, speaker dispersion, or some digital jitter. They are all very subdued and will go with anything you wear.

They all stay within the music/stereo theme.
I agree with pretty much all the posts so far.

1) Don't do it.
2) If you must do it, do it right, and get something classy.
3) Don't do it.
4) If you must do it, I suggest either the Pink Floyd cover to Dark Side of the Moon. (That would be impressive!)
The Beatles Sgt. Peppers cover. (This would also be impressive. It would also hurt like a SOB, as it would take about a week of solid tattooing.)

Good Luck! Oh yeah, Don't do it!

PS Can you explain, to the rest of us, the attraction of getting a tattoo or a body piercing? The whole idea of it is so utterly alien to me, that I just can't fathom why anyone, other than a drunken sailor, would do it. Thanks!
All I had to see were the old men who got tattooed circa WW2. Those things look like the USDA stamp on raw beef now. The thought of all the young girls turning 60 with tattoed sleeves on arms that will eventually look like turkey necks is frightening.
Okay if you're a true audiophile it means you can't leave well alone. So if you get a tat, you'll begin to like it for some reason, then you'll come up with better ideas for more tats, more places and pretty soon (just like the search for the perfect cable) you'll keep getting tats searching for the "perfect" one. Soon you will have run out of body spaces for more tattoos and you'll be dragging your friends into it and..........it just goes on and on for the true audiophile whether it's audio gear, tattoos, tools, women, etc.
I realize that tats are popular with many younger people, although I utterly fail to understand why (ditto for body piercing...). I agree, however, with Rich that if you are absolutely set on getting a tattoo, choose one that will still be meaningful to you in 25 years. Hence, rather than choose a musical group, how about something like a musical score, with an F-clef and maybe 8-10 notes from a song or tune that you like?
Leave your body alone ... hasn't your mind suffered enough with all this audio stuff : -) Actually, what made me shy away from tattoos 25 years ago ... was not being able to identify something that I might still like by the time I reached middle age (I'm 46 now). And I guess it worked out for the best ... because I still like Neil Diamond and bicycles.

Regards, Rich
Jeff don't do it! Or else get something classic that will never be out of style, like a heart that reads "Mom".
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